January 26th

Happy Birthday Ms. Heidrick and Mia Gillis

Saturday- Kenzley Giuliani and Ali Hughes

$5 Friday-Winners

Connor Cool- Connor is always willing to help out his fellow students.  Mrs. Brumett 

Breanna Price-Being helpful in the classroom- Mr. Weaver 

Tonight’s Activities 

Boys Basketball 


1/30-Vs. Westville 

1-31-vs.  North Ridge 

Yearbook Meetings-  

January 29th, 30th, 31st

February 1st, 5th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 26th, 27th 

Art Club Meetings

Adding Lunch Money through Teacher Ease 

** Indicated Change**


January Breakfast

January 29th- Pop Tarts, String Cheese, Fruit, Juice, Milk

January 30th - Ham, Egg, and Cheese Croissant, Fruit, Juice, Milk

January 31st- Cinnamon Filled Pretzel Stick, Colby Cheese Cubes, Fruit, Juice, Milk 


January Menu

January 26th- Hot Dog with Chili and Cheese, Chips, Fruit, Milk 

January 29th- Chicken Quesadilla, Mexican Rice, Pears, Jello, Milk

January 30th- Cheeseburger, Potato Wedges, Jonny Pop, Milk

January 31st- Chili, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Celery with Ranch Dip, Fruit, Milk 

 Dates to Remember 

February 2nd- End of Midterm

February 7th- Early Dismissal 11:30- No Lunch Served 

February 14th- Early Dismissal 1 pm

February 19th- No School- Presidents’ Day