Clever is a website/app that holds all of your student's usernames and passwords for the apps used at school. To access instructions to login to Clever, click here.
TeacherEase is your link to your student's grades, schedule, attendance, and lunch balance. You can also pay on your student's lunch account through TeacherEase. If you do not have access to your student's account, contact a BHES secretary.
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Ups
PTCWizard is the district-wide Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up. A new account will need made each school year. Sign-ups are opened approximately 2 weeks before conferences.
Accelerated Reader
AR HomeConnect allows you to check in on your student's AR progress. You can also sign-up for alerts to receive an e-mail when your student takes an AR test and their score. AR Bookfinder allows you to search for books within the Accelerated Reader System. It will give you the test number, book level, and the point value for each book.
Safe School Helpline
The safe school helpline is a website that allows you to submit an anonymous report to school administrators. This can be for incidences that have happened, or that are planned to happen.